Now the Epsilon team is back!
Epsilon eSports decided to team up with Hype Energy to unveil their new prestigious team. After spending a whole day filming in a secret area, we managed to put this edit together to commemorate the release of a very promising line-up in the eSports world: With the release of Battlefield 1 last year, lots of anticipation has been created about the return of competitive play on Battlefield. The Epsilon team is full of talented & experienced players who have proven themselves time and again at the very top of the game. This line up really has what it takes to become a shining light within Battlefield esports. The full Epsilon BF1 line up is: Kevin 'SEEERRR' PhongthisoukAlex 'JJikA' Kovac
David 'Horec' Horeczki
Martijn 'Hunta' Kuijt
Michael 'Meyek' Rasooly
Get cover!!